Not Just Canvas

Not Just Canvas

Looooooong time no news, right? Well, this is a quick update. I’m structuring my new consultancy company in Europe, Not Just Canvas, and for now I’m migrating all the visual tools I’ve created along the last few years to Not Just Canvas website. The good thing is that you will be able to find it all there at once.

Since 2000, I used to be an IT consultant. From 2004, while investing in my academic career (Master and PhD from FGV-SP, one of the best business schools in the southest hemisphere), I also started offering marketing and strategy consultancy. By that time, I joined Influire – first as a team coordinator and project manager, then as a business partner. Since 2017, however, when I started to run the plans to move, my “consultancy” side has been sleeping. Well, not really, since the next year I started working at the Rotterdam Business School for the Master in Consultancy and Entrepreneurship.

What to do at Not Just Canvas?

In a couple of months I pretend to start offering business training on specific aspects such as design thinking, visual tools and innovation process. And then starting to provide consultancy services, as I used to do until a few years ago, before migrating to The Netherlands.

I also brought some ideas and values from my previous company, Influire, such as the desire to create a positive legacy and the strong and continuous willingness to learn. In a sense, it’s a continuity, which actually makes sense – I think.

By the way, did you click it already?
Share your thoughts! I’d love to hear your feedback about the tools, the website, the content I already published there and the idea in general! 😃